Private vs NHS dental charges - Which? (2025)

Find out how much you should expect to pay for dental treatment on the NHS and privately, how to navigate the NHS charging structure, what to do if you're faced with unexpected costs, and how NHS and private options differ.

Whether you opt for an NHS dentist (if you can find one) or go private, prices should be communicated clearly upfront – but this isn't always the case.

Our comparison table, based on prices from major private chains gives you an idea of what to expect.

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NHS dental charges 2024

NHS dentist prices typically go up slightly each year. These are the current prices.

The amount you're charged depends on the type of treatment you need. Treatments are split into three bands, which are:

  • Band 1: £26.80Covers treatments including a clinical examination, diagnosis (including X-rays if needed), a scale and polish (if clinically necessary), application of fluoride or fissure sealant and preventative advice.
  • Band 2: £73.50 Includes everything in band 1, plus further treatment such as non-surgical gum treatment, fillings, root-canal work and tooth removal (extractions).
  • Band 3: £319.10 Includes everything in bands 1 and 2, plus more complex treatments, such as crowns, bridges, orthodontic treatments and appliances, dentures and bridges.

You should pay only one charge for a course of treatment, even if you visit the dentist a few times – so three fillings and a crown recommended on the same treatment plan would all be covered by band 3.

If you need band 2 or 3 treatment and pay dental charges (in other words, you aren't exempt), you should be given a written treatment plan.

If you need treatment, you shouldn't be expected to pay privately, although your dentist should explain suitable private options you can consider. Dentists aren't allowed to refuse any treatment available on the NHS but then offer it privately, or to suggest that NHS treatment is inferior.

Certain people get free NHS dental care, including those who are pregnant or have had a baby within the past 12 months, those under 18 (or under 19 in full-time education) and those entitled to certain income-related benefits.

NHS dental charges in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland

InWales,a similar banding system is in place, with the equivalent of band 1 charged at £20, band 2 at £60 and band 3 at £260. Find out more in the Welsh NHS dental charges and exemption guide.

Northern Ireland and Scotlandboth use the samesystem, which is slightly different to the others above. Unless you're covered by one of the groups entitled to free NHS dental work, the charge to the NHS patient is 80% of the dentist's fee up to a maximum of £384.

Your dentist should have a prominently displayed price list in the surgery – if you don't see it, ask. You may also be able to find a price list on your dentist's website before you visit.

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NHS dental costs vs private dentist fees: what's the difference?

We checked the prices at major private practice chains to compare costs for private dental procedures to NHS charges. Our dental treatment pricing table will help you identify whether you're getting a decent deal on care - or paying over the odds.

We've also gone into more detail below on what you'll get with each treatment, what's different if you go private and what to check before going ahead.

TreatmentNHS bandNHS England price*Private price range**
New patient consultation or check-up***Band 1£26.80£40 to £75
Simple X-rays/radiographBand 1£26.80£10 to £20
Hygiene clean/scale and polishBand 1/Band 2 (deep scaling)£26.80/£73.50£90 to £130
Amalgam/metal fillingBand 2£73.50£90 to £140
Composite/white fillingBand 2£73.50£100 to £180
Root canal treatmentBand 2£73.50£250 to £320
Tooth extractionBand 2£73.50£120 to £280

Table notes:NHS prices correct as of 1 April 2024. Prices in Wales are £20 (Band 1), £60 (Band 2), and £260 (Band 3). In Scotland and Northern Ireland, they’re 80% of the dentists’ fee capped at £384. Checkups are free for all in Scotland, and for under 25s and over 60s in Wales.

Private prices gathered from websites of 11 branches across seven brands in England in November 2023, excluding the highest and lowest outliers.

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Private vs NHS dental charges - Which? (1)

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New patient consultation or check-up costs

  • NHS price:Band 1 £26.80
  • Private price: £40 to £75

Ask how long your private consultation will last and whether any X-rays are included (including the type of X-ray) as it varies between practices. Subsequent routine appointments are usually cheaper, but we suggest that you ask for ongoing prices.

Routine private appointments will generally be allocated more time than those on the NHS and may be offered out of hours (evenings and weekends), which is useful if you don’t want to take time off work or be seen quickly.

Simple X-rays/radiograph

  • NHS price:Band 1 £26.80
  • Private price:£10 to £20

As a new patient, you'll usually have simple X-rays of your back teeth (called bite-wings). This will be included in the price of a new patient consultation.

Usually, any X-rays required as part of a check-up are also included. But you may need more complex specialist X-rays to get a view of the whole mouth from ear to ear – this may well be more expensive if done privately.

Private vs NHS dental charges - Which? (2)

Hygiene clean/scale and polish

  • NHS price: Band 1 £26.80 or Band 2 £73.50 for deep scaling
  • Private price: £90 to £130

Band 1 covers a range of basic treatments, including a scale and polish, if dentally necessary. But 'necessary' is the key word here. If your dentist recommends a clean for more cosmetic maintenance, you're likely to be asked to make an appointment with a private hygienist.

Privately, you’ll definitely get a longer appointment and usually a more intensive clean.

If you have a regular clean from the hygienist, there’s no evidence to suggest you shouldn’t keep doing it. But, equally, the evidence isn’t there to say a routine scale and polish make your mouth healthier. Next time your dentist suggests a hygienist visit, ask if it's clinically necessary, as you might be entitled to cleaning under the NHS.

Looking after your teeth

Patients also have their part to play in preventative dental care. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and don’t rinse after you spit, and regularly clean between teeth with interdental brushes or floss. You could also use mouthwash (although not straight after brushing as it will wash away the concentrated fluoride on your teeth), but it's not essential for most.

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Amalgam / metal filling

  • NHS price: Band 2 £73.50
  • Private price: £90 to £140

The cavity in your tooth is drilled so it can be filled with a mixture of metals. Private prices for all types of filling depend on the size and complexity of the treatment you need.

Amalgam is hard-wearing and good for the back chewing teeth. This is the more common type of filling you'll be offered on the NHS. If you're going private, it may be worth upgrading to a white filling.

Composite / white filling

  • NHS price: Band 2 £73.50
  • Private price:£100 to £180

Composite fillings are trickier to carry out (the tooth surface must be dry when the resin gel is bonded on) and can be less hard-wearing for back teeth that chew and grind. More expensive private ones are lab-made for you.

On the NHS, you’re more likely to get them on the front teeth, but your dentist gets to decide what is necessary.

Root canal treatment

  • NHS price: Band 2 £73.50
  • Private price: £250 to £320

If decay gets deep into your tooth and affects the root, a root filling (root canal work) can save the tooth.

Private prices range greatly, as root canal can be a technically demanding treatment and you may be referred to a specialist endodontist. How much you pay depends on the tooth size and position (back teeth tend to be more expensive), and the complexity.

Tooth extraction

  • NHS price:Band 2 £73.50
  • Private price:£120 to £280

Some teeth will be routinely extracted in the surgery – known as a simple extraction. Others will need a referral to a dentist with advanced skills in surgical treatments because they’re awkwardly shaped or placed and surrounding bone may need to be removed to free them.


  • NHS price:Band 3 £319.10
  • Private price: £450 to £950

Crowns are shaped like natural teeth and fit like a cap over your own teeth. Private prices depend on materials used and the time taken.

Any lab that makes crowns for the NHS is governed by strict regulations about the materials used, and many will be producing both private and NHS work. But dentists can use different suppliers or technicians for NHS and private patients. The difference in the end result is likely to lie largely in cosmetic aspects, such as the colour matching and finish.

Crowns may be made of materials including porcelain (most expensive for a very natural tooth look), porcelain bonded onto precious metal, or all metal (generally less expensive and used on back teeth).

Private vs NHS dental charges - Which? (3)

NHS crowns are usually made of a metal core surrounded by a porcelain wrapping, which may not be an entirely realistic ‘tooth’. The dentist can choose from a limited number of colour shades, so the result may not produce an accurate match for your teeth.

Private crowns may be made of precious metals (eg gold, platinum or palladium) or a combination of minerals and porcelain, and will give a more natural appearance.


  • NHS price: Band 3 £319.10
  • Private price: £400 to £1,050

As with crowns, the labs that make dentures and bridges for the NHS are held to strict regulations about the material they use and produce work for the private firms as well as the NHS. Again, the difference is mainly in aesthetics.

NHS dentures are usually made of solid acrylic, which can feel bulky and less comfortable in the mouth than some private options. Dentures made privately may be made from a more expensive flexible acrylic or chrome, which can feel much more natural.

Bridges tend to look better and feel more comfortable than dentures, plus some people may want a permanent replacement rather than a removable prosthesis.

Bridges are sometimes refused on the NHS because they can be seen as a cosmetic choice over the more practical and less invasive option of a denture. A bridge can compromise the long-term health of the teeth on either side, so a dentist can argue that it’s not the best option for making you dentally fit.

If your dentist is unwilling to give you a bridge on the NHS, they might still offer it privately, if that's what you want.

Note: NHS prices correct as of April 2024, based on the latest price change. Private provider costs correct as of November 2023.Based on prices sourced from the websites of leading dental chains including Bupa, Gentle Dentalcare, Mydentist, Portmans, Colosseum, Genix, and Rodericks. Prices may vary by region.

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How to find the best dentist

Ideally, you'll want a dentist that isn't too far away, so you can easily get there in case of an urgent dental problem.

In England, you can use the NHS website to search for nearby dentists. Head to the Find a dentist page and search for a town, city or postcode.

Note that you shouldn’t be asked to pay a deposit before booking an NHS appointment, a poor practice we have uncovered in previous investigations.

Depending on where you live, you may still have to ring around to find a dental practice to take you as a new patient.

Private vs NHS dental charges - Which? (4)

In other UK countries, NHS dentist finder services include Health in Wales, NHS24 in Scotland and Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland.

At the moment, it can be difficult to sign up as an NHS patient as it's a bit of a postcode lottery – some areas have much higher waiting lists and backlogs than others.

Before you book, check whether you’re booking NHS or privately so you don't get any nasty surprises on your bill.

If you're using the NHS, it’s a good idea to book your next check-up on the way out from your last, or at least some weeks ahead of when it’s due, to ensure you get a slot when you need it.

Finding a private dentist

The big private dental chains include Bupa, Gentle Dentalcare, Mydentist, Portman dental care, Colosseum,Genix, and Rodericks, but there may also be smaller or independent private dentist near you.

We recently surveyed over 7,000 people to find out which dentist brands are rated highly. See our full guide to the best dentist brands for our verdict.

How to find an emergency dentist

For urgent treatment, you might be able to get an emergency appointment with a local dentist or call NHS111to be put in touch with an emergency dental service. The NHS number can also offer self-care advice.

In emergency situations, you should be seen quickly, whether that's under the NHS or privately. Bear in mind that GPs aren't able to offer emergency or out-of-hours dental care.

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Private vs NHS dental charges - Which? (2025)


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