Nickelodeon Home Media (2025)

Logo descriptions by Kobepedia, CooleyBoy10, and NitroG
Logo captures by Kobepedia and Originalsboy11

Video captures courtesy of Kobepedia, Originalsboy11 and Jimmy Campbell

Background: This page describes the opening IDs Nickelodeon used on their VHS releases. Beginning in 1996, when distribution of Nickelodeon videos switched from Sony Wonder to Paramount Home Video, Nickelodeon alternated between using their station IDs and their first home video ID before ultimately settling with the latter.

1st ID
(August 31, 1993-October 5, 1999)

Nickname: "Montage"

Logo: We see the barbershop singers from the "Easy Groove" ID singing the familiar Nick theme on the bottom-left of the screen, behind the parrot from the "Dog and Parrot" ID, who caws out the Nickelodeon logo in the form of a speech bubble. Then, the creature from the "Flying TV Monster" ID flies into the screen, and the TV on it switches to a background with a white floor and the Nickelodeon logo as its wall. Several characters from Nickelodeon IDs walk across it, including the "Blobman", the "Doo-Wop Dinosaurs", the "Frog" and several others. An alien-like character holding three sticks with TVs on them slams them onto the screen, transitioning us to another scene where the barbershop singers perform against an orange-tinted clip of the "Top of the Hour '86" bumper as more Nick ID characters move around in the background and foreground. Several transitions bring us to several edited versions of Nick IDs, such as the "Anteater" and "Nick Brew" bumpers against a city background, and the "T-Rex" barking against the "Better Off by Far" bumper, among others. Eventually, the barbershop singers re-appear as the Nickelodeon logo (in its form seen on, for example, Wild and Crazy Kids), in CGI and rotating from left to right as its design moves, appears above them. Finally, the logo ends with a TV switch-off effect.

Variant: A shortened version of this ID, beginning when the barbershop singers appear near the end, was used on Sony Wonder releases to close out the tape.
FX/SFX: A mixture of the various animation styles of the various IDs used, including hand-drawn animation, claymation, and CGI.
Music/Sounds: A remixed version of the classic Nickelodeon theme, mixed with the various sounds of the IDs.
Availability: Common. Seen on most Nickelodeon releases from the era released by Sony Wonder and Paramount Home Video. However, some tapes, like the Paramount re-releases of the Rugrats Sony Wonder tapes used one of the Nickelodeon station IDs from the time. It was first seen on the original Sony Wonder releases and was last seen on Rugrats: Make Room for Dil. This also appears on the 1995 Sony Wonder LaserDisc The Ren and Stimpy Show: The Essential Collection - Classics I & II.
Editor's Note: Some have stated this logo scared them when they were younger due to the large amounts of animation going on, as well as the switch-off effect. However, this is only a few people who have mentioned this. For the most part, this is a favorite of many.

2nd ID
Nickname: "One World, One Nickelodeon"Logo: TBAFX/SFX: A mix of live-action and CGI.Music/Sounds: TBAAvailability: Seen on Nickelodeon VHS tapes released outside North America (mainly in the UK and Australia) by CIC Video and later Paramount Home Video, such as several Rugrats tapes from the UK and the Australian VHS release of Blue's Clues: Arts & Crafts.
Editor's Note: None.

3rd ID
(January 11, 2000-January 28, 2003; October 15, 2013)

Nickelodeon Home Media (1)

Nickname: "Maze", "The Nostalgic Maze", "The Green Labyrinth"
Logo: On a white background, a young boy and an older African-American girl appear in a static-like format (similar to when you turn on an old-school CRT TV). They spin around a bit, and then are "teleported" to a giant maze with grassy structures. A set of video controls (from left to right, pause, rewind, stop, play, fast forward) is shown at the bottom left corner of the screen as the kids run through the maze (as play is activated) until we go through a video game-like screen of a maze with orange squares (portals) and two small white squares (the kids), going into the center portal. The kids teleport into a different part of the maze while the camera pans at different angles. An orange butterfly then flutters near the kids (followed by several more) until they begin running through the maze again (as well as another video game-like screen of a maze with the kids going into the center portal, teleporting them once again). We then cut to the kids jumping on an orange flower at different perspectives, then cutting to the kids running through the maze once again being followed by and chasing an orange sphere until they reach a dead end, in which we then cut to them running and reaching the end of the case with the orange sphere following them. Finally, we cut to the kids facing the sphere on a white background. The camera zooms in while the Nickelodeon text appears and the same video controls from before appear and flicker until just the play button shows.
FX/SFX: A great mix of the live-action kids and the CGI effects.
Music/Sounds: An early 2000's synthpop tune with a drum-and-bass/UK garage beat, a guitar section, and some female harmonizing near the climax. There are also various sound effects heard throughout, including laughing near the opening, birds and cicadas chirping, and some boinging/beeping as the play button flickers at the end.Availability: Seen on Nickelodeon VHS tapes from the era, including later Rugrats tapes as well as the first few SpongeBob SquarePants VHS releases. It debuted onRugrats: I Think I Like You and made its final regular appearance on Rugrats: Mysteries. Strangely, this logo, along with the 1995 Paramount Home Video logo, also appears on the 2013Blu-ray release if you select either the first episode or "Play All" on the bonus episodes (which were the same episodes from the Nautical Nonsense and Sponge Buddies releases), as those episodes used the same video master as their respective VHS releases. It was also used as a station ID.Editor's Note: This is a favorite bumper of many for its unique effects, great music and impressive CGI.

1st ID
(March 12-September 24, 2002)
Nicknames: "The Oval", "Nickelodeon Oval", "The Dull Orange Oval"
Logo: Over a black background, an oval-shaped, 2D Nickelodeon logo is seen.

FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Seen on the first two Nickelodeon DVDs:Rugrats: Decade in Diapers and SpongeBob SquarePants: Nautical Nonsense & Sponge Buddies.
Editor's Note: It has less effort than a lot of other logos on this page.

2nd ID(August 27, 2002-September 30, 2003)
: "Nick Robot"
Logo: On a black background, a robot-shaped 3D Nick logo is seen moving to the screen.
Variants: There is an animated variant in which we see the robot moving.
FX/SFX: The robot moving.
Music/Sounds: The end-title theme of the show or none.
Availability: Seen on theSpongeBob SquarePants: Halloweenand Nicktoons Christmas DVDs.
Editor's Note: None.

3rd ID(January 28, 2003-August 31, 2004)Nickname: "Nickelodeon Top
Logo: On a black background, a top-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen spinning to the screen, then stays still.
Variant: There is an animated variant without the copyright info in which the top spins to the screen for a few seconds and then stays still.FX/SFX: None, except for the spinning on the animated variant.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Fairly rare. Appears on these Rugrats DVD releases:Rugrats Mysteries, Rugrats Saves the Day, Rugrats Halloween
and Rugrats Turkey & Mistletoe, and makes a surprise appearance on the 2011 reprint of the former, which was released on September 20, 2011.
Editor's Note: None.

4th ID(2003-2005)Nicknames: "Nickelodeon Rocket", "TheJimmy NeutronDVD/VHS Logo"
Logo: On a black background, a rocket-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen flying across the screen.
FX/SFX: The rocket flying around.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Can be found onVHS and DVD releases ofThe Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius,the DVD release ofJimmy Timmy Power Hour 1, and a few DVD releases ofRocket PowerandAll Grown Up.5th ID(2002-March 30, 2010)
Nicknames: "Nickelodeon Fish", "TheSpongeBobDVD/VHS Logo", "Nickelodeon Goldfish", "The SpongeBob Logo"

Logo: On a black background, a 3D fish-shaped Nickelodeon logo is seen swimming. Blue bubbles are seen are also seen coming out of the fish.
: The fish swimming.
Music/Sounds: None, but on the VHS release ofThe Fairly OddParents: Channel Chasers, bubble noises are heard.
: Verycommon. With the exception of a few releases, this is seen on virtually all Nickelodeon DVD releases from this time, includingSpongeBob SquarePants releases through the era including the first five seasons and the first volume of season 6, DVD's ofAvatar: The Last Airbender, as well as many other shows, and later Nick Jr. releases as well. It makes a surprise appearance on the DVD release ofSpongeBob SquarePants: Viking-Sized Adventures, released on January 26, 2010, and on the DVD release ofiCarly: iFight Shelby Marx, released on March 30, 2010.
6th ID(2003-2005)Nickname: "Nickelodeon Flower

Logo: On a black background, a flower-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen blooming.

FX/SFX: The flower blooming.

Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Can be found on someVHS releases ofAs Told By GingerandThe Amanda Show. The Fish logo appears on DVD releases.
Editor's Note: None.
7th ID(July 15, 2003)Nicknames: "Nickelodeon Slime", "The Wiggling Slime"
Logo: On a black background, anorangeslime 3D Nickelodeon logo (which looks more like a cloud) is seen spinning.
FX/SFX: The slime spinning.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Unlike on VHS, this only appears at the beginning on one release - The VHS version ofThe Fairly OddParents: Abra-Catastrophe! The MovieThe DVD version just features the regular fish logo.

Editor's Note: Same as the endcap.
8th ID(August 26, 2003)
: "Nick Eye"
: On a background, a set of 3Dorangeeyes bounce around, all having "NICK" inside the pupil. One of them comes to the screen, and starts blinking.

FX/SFX: CGI animation.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Appears ontheNicktoons HalloweenDVD.
Editor's Note: None.
9th ID(2004-July 25, 2006)

Nickname: "Nickelodeon Crown"
Logo:On a black background, a 3D crown Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright is shown below.

Variant: There is an animated version without the copyright stamp of this, which the crown is spinning.


: The Crown spinning.


: None.


: Can be found on theVHS version of SpongeBob SquarePants: Lost in Time(The DVD version has the regular Fish logo), someFairly Odd ParentsVHS and DVD releases, some All Grown Up! VHS releases (which use the Rocket or Fish on DVD versions) and the DVD releases ofJimmy Timmy Power Hour 2and3.

Editor's Note: None.

10th ID

Nicknames: "The Flying Carpet", "Nickelodeon Carpet"
Logo: On a black background, anorangecarpet with the Nickelodeon logo on it flies across the screen before stopping in the center. The carpet waves a bit before fading out.
FX/SFX: The carpet moving.
: None.
Availability: Originally used as an Station ID. It was later seen on the VHS release ofThe Fairly OddParents: Superhero Spectacle.
Editor's Note: None11th ID



: "Nickelodeon Slug", "The Crawling Worm"


: Same as the closing version, but without any copyright info.


: The worm moving.


: None.


: Appears on the region 4 DVD release ofThe Wild Thornberrys: Heroes of the Animal Kingdom.

Editor's Note

: None.

Logo descriptions by AsdfTheRevival, WizardDuck, Hoa, CLGWIKIROCKS, loveslogos, Nin10do, BenIsRandom, and DaffyDuckScrewball

Logo captures by AsdfTheRevival, Eric S., Logoboy95, Randomchannel134, WizardDuck, wolfie14, NickelodeonRewind, kwvtads, DaffyDuckScrewball,BluTheParrot,RedheadXilamGuy, and others
Editions by AsdfTheRevival, V of Doom, Hoa, Unnepad

Video captures courtesy of Pepsi9072 and others

NOTE: THE INFORMATION WAS ORIGINALLY SOURCED FROM THE NICKELODEON PRODUCTIONS PAGE.Background: Normally on VHS or DVD releases, Nickelodeon will typically replace their normal TV logo with a still screenshot of one of their ID's used at the time. This page features logos exclusively seen on these releases, as well as ones exclusively seen on home media or have also been used as a Nickelodeon Productions logo.1st Logo
(August 31, 1993)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki

Nicknames: "Nickelodeon Splat", "The Other Splat", "Weird Splat"
Logo: Over a black background, we see a weird-looking 2D Nickelodeon splat logo, which looks like it's been jabbed by a bone several times. Copyright information is below.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Extremely rare. Only seen on the original Sony Wonder releases of Rugrats Volume 1: Tales from the Crib, Rugrats Volume 2: A Baby's Gotta Do What A Baby's Gotta Do, Doug Volume 1: How Did I Get into This Mess and. The 1996 re-releases of the Rugrats tapes (from Paramount) plaster this logo with the "Slime" and the Doug tapes were never re-released.

Editor's Note: For some reason, the Dougtapes didn’t mention the show name, only mentioning the VHS subtitles.
2nd Logo
(1993-1995?, 2000-2009)

Nickelodeon Animation Studios - CLG WikiNickelodeon Animation Studios - CLG Wiki
Nickelodeon Animation Studios (2000)Nickelodeon Haystack (2001)Nickelodeon Animation Studios (2001)Nickelodeon Animation Studios (2001)Nickelodeon Animation Studios (2006)Nickelodeon Haystack logo (2002)Nickelodeon Haystack logo (2003)Nickelodeon Animation Studios (2005, Rugrats)Nickelodeon Haypile (2005, SpongeBob SquarePants)Nickelodeon Haypile (2005)

Nickelodeon Animation (2006)Nickelodeon (Fairly Idol DVD)

Nicknames: "The Haystack", "The Haypile", "The Nick Haystack", "The Nick Scribble"
Logo: Same as the NAS "Haypile" logo, but with an expanded copyright that says"(C)(year) Viacom International Inc. All rights reserved. Nickelodeon, (NAME OF SHOW), and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc."
Early Variant: Sony Wonder releases from the Early 90s normally contained a copyright with the releases' name on.Variants:Strangely, a variant exists without copyright info at all on the VHS version ofOswald On The Go (2004). This may be because the HiT Entertainment logo that preceded it (and 3 Nick Jr. logos/bumpers) already had copyright info, so it would meaningless to have it appear twice. Although the DVD release does contain copyright info.
FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None or the end theme of the show.
Music/Sounds Variants:

  • On both the Volume 1 & Volume 2 DVDs of The Amanda Show, the audio from the Nickelodeon Productions Lightbulb is used.

Availability: Very Common.

It originally appears at the end on a few Sony Wonder releases.

By 2000, it's appeared at the end on pretty much all Nickelodeon VHS's and DVDs from 2000 until 2009 (with the exception of a few Nick Jr. tapes from that time, which used the Bone before switching to this one). Examples include Season 1 of The Adventures of Pete & Pete and all SpongeBob SquarePants DVDs from 2003 to 2009, along with several Nick Jr. shows. This logo also appears on DVD releases of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The 2009 DVD of True Jackson, VP: Season 1, Volume 1 is one of the last releases to use the logo.

Editor's Note: Same as the NAS version.3rd Logo
(April 12, 1994)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki
: "Nickelodeon Scribble", "Nickelodeon Firework"
Logo: Over a black background, we see an orange scribble (that also looks somewhat like a firework explosion) with the Nickelodeon text inside it. Copyright information is below.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Extremely rare. It is only known to appear on the Sony Wonder release ofRugrats: Angelica the Divine is the only one known to use this. Like with the "Weird Splat", the Paramount version of the tape plasters this logo with the "Slime".
Editor's Note: None.
4th Logo
(August 23, 1994)
Nickname: "Nickelodeon Bat"
Logo: On a black background, we see an orange 2D bat with the Nickelodeon text on the front. Copyright info is underneath.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the show.
Availability: Extremely rare. It's only seen on Nickelodeon Fright-fest, from Sony Wonder. Also used as a network ID.
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo
(August 30, 1994)Nickname: "Nickelodeon Holly"
Logo: On a black background, a holly-shaped 2D Nickelodeon logo is seen, with the text on the top leaf. Copyright info is underneath.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the show.
Availability: Extremely rare. It's only seen on the original Sony Wonder prints of Doug's Christmas Story. The Paramount reissue replaces this logo with the 3D Nick Lightbulb.
Editor's Note: None.

6th Logo
(April 7, 1996-2000)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Flower ID (1997)Nickelodeon Flower (1999)


: "Nickelodeon Flower

Logo: On a black background, a flower-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright info is below.


  • There was an animated version in which we see the flower blooming, without any copyright info.
  • There is also a simpler version with the copyright info where we see the Nickelodeon flower zoom in above the text.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The ending theme of the show, or none. Rugrats: Mommy Mania has a quote from one of the preceding episodes on the tape (Tommy: "Bye, Chuckie--I mean, Blaine.")Availability: Uncommon. The still version appears on the respective VHS tapes:Blue's Clues: Blue's Safari, CatDog: Together Forever, Wide Awake at Eureeka's Castle (Paramount re-release), Rugrats: Mommy Mania and four Little Bear videos: Rainy Day Tales, Goodnight Little Bear, Family Tales, and Friends. The animated version was seen on the Australian Snout! shorts (there are only three, so they're hard to find), but all three can be found on Vimeo.This logo was also used as a station ID.Editor's Note: None.

7th Logo

(October 1, 1996-January 11, 2002)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions 1995 "Slime" End Card
Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki

Nicknames: "Nickelodeon Slime", "The Wiggling Slime"Logo: On a black background, an orange slime 3D Nickelodeon logo (which looks more like a cloud) is seen. Copyright info is seen below or sometimes not at all.

Trivia: On the YouTube channel Smosh Games, an Honest Trailer (which is a parody) for Splatoon featured this logo, mentioned as an inspiration for the game.

Variant: There's an animated variant in which the slime is shown spinning while zooming up to the front of the screen.

FX/SFX: None except for the slime zooming/spinning on the animated variants.Music/Sounds: None.Availability: This is the most common out of all the Home Media endcaps to find on VHS, especially compared to some of the other black-background logos on this page.

  • It's seen on a grand total of 10 Rugrats VHS tapes (from Paramount): The Santa Experience, Return of Reptar, Tales from the Crib, Angelica the Divine, Bedtime Bash, Diapered Duo, Chuckie the Brave, A Baby's Gotta Do What a Baby's Gotta Do, and A Rugrats Passover, which plaster the NAS "Haypile", "Firework" or "Weird Splat" from the Sony Wonder releases. Also showed up on two Allegra's Window VHS tapes: Small is Beautiful and Waiting for Grandma. It also appeared on VHS releases of Ren and Stimpy, Clarissa Explains it All.
  • It is also shown without the copyright stamp, on a preview for Rugrats videos, which can be found on the VHS release of The Rugrats Movie and five Blue's Clues VHS tapes: Blue's Discoveries, Magenta Comes Over, Stop, Look and Listen, Blue's Big Pajama Party, and Blue's Safari, as well as most Nickelodeon tapes from 1997 to 2000.
  • The animated variant can be found during a Rugrats VHS promo on several Rugrats video releases from the late '90s.
  • The animated version was also seen on the American/Australian VHS Ren and Stimpy: Incredibly Stupid Stories with the copyright stamp intact.
  • Also used as a station ID and on a "Nick Takes Over Your School Sweepstakes" commercial.

Editor's Note: Admittedly, it does look rather uncanny compared to others with its rather shiny and realistic appearance. The movements of the slime also look kinda creepy.

8th Logo
(March 11, 1997-April 7, 1998)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki


: "Nickelodeon Jack", "Still Nickelodeon Jack"


: Same as the second version of the Nickelodeon Productions "Jack" logo, but it is a still picture, and copyright information appears below the Jack.


: None.


: None.


: Extremely Rare. This is only seen on theAllegra's Window VHS release: Play with Allegra and Friends and Gullah Gullah Island: Feelings, plastering the 1990-2000 Nickelodeon Studios logo on both shows.

Editor's Note

: None.

9th Logo

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki
Nickelodeon Balloon (Helga Stories)Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki


: "The Orange Balloon", "Nickelodeon Balloon", "Still Balloon"


: Same as the Nickelodeon Productions "Balloon" logo, but is a still picture.


: None.

Music/Sounds: None.


: It has appeared on the Hey Arnold: Helga Stories and Hey Arnold: Urban Adventures VHS tapes. Also seen on the VHS release of Rugrats: Grandpa's Favorite Stories, the UK version of Rugrats: Chuckie the Brave and on a VHS release of. Much like many of these logos seen, this was also used as a network ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

10th Logo


Nickelodeon FishNickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki
<iframe frameborder="0" height="167" src="" width="296"></iframe><embed height="173" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="173" wmode="transparent"/>


: "Nickelodeon Fish", "Nickelodeon Goldfish"


: On a black background, a 3D fish-shaped Nickelodeon logo is seen. Blue bubbles are seen are also seen coming out of the fish. Copyright info is below.


: None.


: Can be found on some VHS releases of Rugratssuch as, Phil and Lil: Double Trouble, and A Rugrats VacationIt is not as common as it was later on after becoming an opening ID. Also used as a station ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

11th Logo

(May 13, 1997-April 7, 1998, January 28, 2003-August 31, 2004)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki

Nickname: "Nickelodeon TopLogo: On a black background, a top-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright info is seen below.

FX/SFX: None.Music/Sounds: None, apart from the snippet as seen on the Lightbulb logo below on A Rugrats Chanukah.

Availability: Fairly rare. It was first used as a Nickelodeon ident and it is seen on two Little Bear VHS tapes:Meet Little Bear and Winter Tales. Also seen on the VHS release of Allegra's Window: Sing Along with Allegra and Lindi and the 1998 UK VHS of A Rugrats Chanukah (albeit slightly tipped over, and replacing the 3D Lightbulb logo below).Editor's Note: None.

12th Logo
(July 8, 1997-1998, March- September 2000)

Nickelodeon (2000, Slug)Nickelodeon Slug [1997]Nickelodeon Slug

Nicknames: "Nickelodeon Slug", "The Crawling Worm"

: On a background, we see an orange 3D slug crawling up and down through unseen holes. It moves to the right of the screen to reveal the Nickelodeon logo on it. The copyright info is below it.

FX/SFX: 3D animation.Music/Sounds: none, or a snippet from one of the episodes or the end theme of the show is used.Availability: Rare. It appears on the Paramount release of Aaahh!! Real Monsters: Meet the Monsters. It was also seen on The Ren and Stimpy Show: Ren's Brain in the UK probably.This was also used on March-September 2000 airings of The Wild Thornberrys using the split-screen credits.Editor's Note: None.

13th Logo

(July 8, 1997-1998, March 5?-May 7?, 2000, 2003)

Nick(elodeon) (1996/2000)Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki

: "Nick Eye"

: On a background, we see a 3D orange eye with"NICK" inside the pupil. The copyright info is below it.

FX/SFX: None or the eye zooming in.Music/Sounds: None or in the case of 2000 airings of The Secret World of Alex Mack, the end theme of the show.Availability: Very rare. It appears on 2 Aaahh!! Real Monsters VHS tapes, which are the Paramount reissue of Monsters Night Out and the European/Australian exclusive tape All About Ickis.It was also used on Nickelodeon's airings of The Secret World of Alex Mack using the split-screen credits in 2000. Also usedas a station ID.Editor's Note: None.

14th Logo

(July 8, 1997)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki


: "Nick Robot"


: On a black background, a robot-shaped 3D Nick logo is seen. Copyright info is seen below.


: There is an animated variant in which we see the robot moving.


: None or the robot moving.


: The end-title theme of the show or none.


: Rare. It appears at the end of the VHS release of Rocko's Modern Life: Machine Madness. Also used as a Station ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

15th Logo
(October 13-21, 1997)

Nickelodeon Lightbulb (1997; A Rugrats Chanukah)


: "Nick Lightbulb II", "3D Nick Lightbulb"


: Same as the Nickelodeon Productions "3D Lightbulb" logo.


: None.


: The end theme for the show. As for A Rugrats Chanukah, it's a snippet from Angelica from the preceding episode ("Dumb babies! Those are for..channakah!").


: Rare. It can be found on the Paramount reissues of the Rocko's Modern Life tape Rocko's Modern Christmas, and Doug's Christmas Story, and A Rugrats ChanukahThe UK version of replaces this logo with the Top, as shown below.

Editor's Note

: None.

16th Logo
(August 1997)

Nickelodeon Flying Saucer


: "Nickelodeon Flying Saucer", Nickelodeon UFO


: On a black background, a UFO-shaped Nickelodeon logo flies around and lands with 4 planets spinning. Copyright info is seen below.


: CGI animation.


: The end-title theme of the show.


: Extremely rare. it only appears on a Australian/British Ren & Stimpy VHS tape called Space Madness. It was also used as a network ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

17th Logo
(October 13, 1997)
Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki
Nicknames: "Nickelodeon Reindeer", "Rudolph the Orange-Bodied Reindeer"Logo: Over a black background, a 2D reindeer-shaped Nickelodeon logo is seen in a sprinting pose, with light rays coming from its nose. Copyright info is below.FX/SFX: None.Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the show.Availability: Extremely rare. It's only seen at the end of the VHS release of Hey Arnold: Arnold's Christmas.Editor's Note: None.

18th Logo
(October 21, 1997)

Nickelodeon (1997)<iframe frameborder="0" height="207" src="" width="366"></iframe>

Nickname: "Nickelodeon Turkey"Logo: On a black background, a turkey-shaped Nickelodeon logo is seen. The "NICKELODEON" text appears "inflated". Copyright info is seen below.

: None.Music/Sounds: A quote from the preceding episode; Stu Pickles doing a turkey gobble, followed by Grandpa Boris yelling "Enough with the gobble already!".Availability: Extremely rare. It's only seen on the VHS release of A Rugrats Thanksgiving. It was also used as a station ID.Editor's Note: None.

19th Logo
(January 13, 1998)Nickname: "Nickelodeon Heart & Arrow"Logo: Over a black background, we see a 2D heart-shaped Nickelodeon logo with an arrow through the heart. Copyright info is below.FX/SFX: None.Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the show.Availability: Extremely rare. It's only seen at the. Rocko's Modern Life: Modern Love very likely has this logo as well.Editor's Note: None.

20th Logo

(January 13, 1998-August 24, 1999)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Leaf (UK; 2000)Nickelodeon (Leaf, 1999)


: "Nickelodeon Leaf"


: On a black background, a 3D maple leaf-shaped Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright info is below.


: None.


: None. But on Rugrats: Playground Patrol, it has a snippet from one of the episodes (Officer Dan: "Never pet a dog that's strange to you." Chuckie: "You might get something on your shoe!").


: Very rare. It's seen on Rugrats: Playground Patrol (UK/Australia Only VHS), Rugrats: Doctor Tommy Pickles, Blue's Clues: Pool Party (Australian VHS),and Little Bear: Little Goblin Bear on VHS. It was also used as a Station ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

21st Logo
(January 13, 1998-2005)

Nickelodeon (1999/2000)Nickelodeon Productions (1999)Nickelodeon Productions (1999)Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki


: "Nickelodeon Rocket"


: On a black background, a rocket-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright info is seen below.


: There is an animated variant of the logo in which the rocket flies across the screen.


: None, except for the rocket flying on the animated variant.


: None or the ending theme of the show.

Music/Sounds Variants


  • On Rugrats: Runaway Reptar, we hear a quote from Lil from the titular episode ("How's come Dactar did not eat you like a...a big BUG?!").
  • On March-August 2000 airings of SpongeBob SquarePants with split-screen credits, the logo either has the show's ending theme or with the show's ending theme accompanied with the sounds of a rocket. The Ren and Stimpy Showairings has the rocket sounds cutoff the end theme entirely.

: It's seen on the VHS releases of Rocko's Modern Life: Modern Love, CatDog vs. The Greasers, and Rugrats: Runaway Reptar. Also appeared on March-August 2000 airings of SpongeBob SquarePants and The Ren and Stimpy Show using the split screen credits. Also used as a Network ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

22nd Logo
(June 9, 1998-September 24, 2002)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki

Nickname: "Nickelodeon Bone"
Logo: On a black background, a bone-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright info is seen below.
Variant: There is an animated variant in which the bone spins to the center of the screen for a second, and then it stays still.
FX/SFX: None, except for the bone spinning on the animated variant.
Music/Sounds: None. Although on the video releases of Blue's Story Time and Arts and Crafts, the end theme is heard.
Availability: Uncommon. This was first used as a Nickelodeon station ident in 1992, and became an official logo in 1998 when it appeared at the end of the first two Blue's Clues VHS releases:Blue's Story Time and Arts and Crafts. It's also shown on these Dora the Explorer VHS tapes: Swing into Action, Wish on a Star,To the Rescue, and Dora Saves the Prince. It can also be found on the Little Bill VHS releases Me and My Family, Big Little Bill, What I Did at School, and Merry Christmas, Little Bill. The animated variant can be found on 3 Blue's Clues VHS releases, All Kinds of Signs, Caf, and Blue's Big Holiday, all of which were released in 2001.
Editor's Note: None.

23rd Logo

(June 9, 1998)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG WikiNickelodeon Crown (1998)

Nickname: "Nickelodeon Crown"

Logo:On a black background, a 3D crown Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright is shown below.

FX/SFX: None, except for the crown spinning on the animated variant.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: It's seen on Rugrats: Angelica Knows Best.

Editor's Note: None.

24th Logo
(1998-September 21, 1999)


: "Orange Saturn", "Nickelodeon Planet", "Nickelodeon Saturn", "Still Saturn"


: A still version of the Nickelodeon Productions Saturn logo, but without "PRODUCTIONS" and has copyright info below it.Nickelodeon Saturn Logo (1999)


This logo may be a nod to the T-shirt worn by Rugrats character Chuckie Finster, which has the planet Saturn on it, although this logo never appeared on any Rugrats episode, or VHS/DVD release of the show.


: None.

Music/Sounds: None.


: Extremely Rare. Appears on 2 VHS tapes: Blue's Clues: Blue's Discoveries and Hey Arnold! Partners.

Editor's Note

: None.

25th Logo

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki


: "Who Loves Orange Soda?", "Kel Loves Orange Soda!", "Nickelodeon Cup", "Still Cup"


: Same as the Nickelodeon Productions Cup logo, but is a still picture.


: None.


: A snippet from one of the episodes featured on the VHS: Rugrats: Chuckie’s Lucky Day, "Chuckie Grows" (Chuckie: "I squished Angelica!" Phil: "That's okay.") and a snippet from one the episodes from the UK VHS for Rugrats: All Growed Up (Phil: And no more bad face!).


: Extremely Rare. It appears on the 1999 Rugrats tape Chuckie's Lucky Day, which only saw a release in Europe and Australia and the UK VHS for Rugrats: All Growed Up. This logo was also used as a station ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

26th Logo
(October 5, 1999)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki

Nickname: "Nickelodeon Crayon
Logo: On a black background, a crayon-shaped 3D Nickelodeon logo is seen. Copyright info is seen below.

: None.


: Just a snippet from the Rugrats episode "A Dog's Life". (Angelica: "Can't you say Angeli--?" Dil: "Yucky! [laughs]")


: Extremely rare. It's only seen on the Rugrats VHS release Make Room for Dil. It was also used as a network ID.

Editor's Note

: None.

27th Logo
(February 6, 2001)

Nickelodeon Productions - CLG Wiki

: "Nickelodeon Shark

Logo: On a black background, an orange 3D shark swims across the screen. As it stops in the middle, we see the familiar "NICKELODEON" text on it, and copyright info fades in below.

FX/SFX: The shark swimming.

Music/Sounds: None.Availability: Extremely rare. It's only seen on the Little Bear VHS release Little Sherlock Bear. It was also used as a station ID.Editor's Note: None.

28th Logo

(November 20th, 2002)

Nickname: "Nickelodeon Splat lll"

Logo: On a black background, we see a stretched orange splat (that looks similar to an ink blotch) that has the words "NICKELODEON" in white on it. Some copyright information is below the splat.

Nickelodeon (November 2002)

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.Availability: Rare. Only seen on the previews on the SpongeBob SquarePants DVD Tales From The Deep.

Editor's Note: None.

Nickelodeon Home Media (2025)


What is the longest airing Nickelodeon show? ›

A decade ago, on April 11, 2012, SpongeBob SquarePants aired its 173rd episode and thus surpassed Rugrats as Nickelodeon's longest-running animated series. Since then, of course, shows like The Loud House and Dora the Explorer have sent Rugrats farther down on the ranking.

Why is Nickelodeon's logo orange? ›

In 1984 Nickelodeon started to take a new turn with its visual identity, finally settling on the color palette they would keep permanently––orange and white. This color palette is happy, instantly creating a smile on those who see it and symbolizing joy.

What is the shortest running Nickelodeon show? ›

Rugrats: Pre-School Daze takes the honor of being the shortest run TV show in Nickelodeon history with just four episodes being produced and aired.

What is the most successful Nickelodeon show of all time? ›

'SpongeBob SquarePants'

For those who grew up on Nick in the '80s and '90s, a different show may spring to mind first, but all things considered, SpongeBob is the defining Nickelodeon show.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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